Auto Comment APK 13.2 MB
Auto Comment APK updated version 6.0.7 lets you comment on
social media account like face book Instagram and tweeter.
Auto comment is an application develop in 2008 by the larger
company developer, It let you comment and like automatically when you post on
social media account.
If you want to targeted comment and like on your post then,just download the Auto Comment APK 6.0.7 and make post popular, just download it form play sotre.
when you download it go to face book account setting if you want to increase the like,s on face book account, there are I will explain the different method of authorization of social media account because every platform has there own privacy policy.
At first choose an Auto Comment APK that you compatible with face book
and complies with API usage plocies .some popular choices are include like log
in face book account.
when prompted and authorize the app by allowing it the
necessary permission such as posting comment on your behalf and post.
It should be update which want to make comment and like increase then navigate to section
where you can add or mange social media account. Select the auto comment setting
and then access the setting option area where you can set up and increase the
auto comment and like.
Auto Comment APK isntagram give us relevant opportunity to make social media life style amazing personally or professionally connectivity.
We can make life beautiful with some extension tragedy, for example some beautiful movement capture in cameras and share the thought and ideas with social plate form and get popularity among the people.
If you want to quick response form public and want to more comment under the post so some extent app can help you for increase the comment and like,s.
There are I suggested to you same APK VERSION 6.0.7 which I defined up face book account criteria, it will same help you in instagram account. Just you do same activity according to the privacy policy of instgame.There are keep in mind the authorization and API usage are under the instagram.
If the Auto Commnet APK allowed to do quick responding througe extension then no any issue just
download it and log in the instagram account form her and go to the setting and
adjust the extension APK with instgrame account.
keep in mind the post must be unique and attractive comment will be extend in few movement.
Auto Comment APK is an app provide us free communication and realization of other felling and emotion. we can chat in circulation through the massaging, chat ,,commenting ,and like post to each other by using the auto comment application .
The APK 6.07 professionally available in goggle play store want to became a famous profile in social media just download it and connect with social account and get more response to profile post in few movement.
The auto comment app preview I will share you as picture
prove, how it really working amazing when you adjust with social media account.
The provided picture are uploading by the prove of developer
,it is real application work properly in social media account like face book
instagrm and tweeter.
There are I mention you to about the capacity of app how
storage need for this is updated version no more storage needed 100 MB
is enough for this application It is light weight app develop in recently 2024
by authorize company.